Disney has embraced the look and feel of innocence for the younger demographic, as it should. When you are a child you look at a princess through your eyes. No one else’s eyes will do. But I must confess, and I know I am not alone in saying this, I am still a huge fan of all the Disney Princesses, Villains, movies, various characters, ect.. But I look at them through different eyes now; adult eyes. Yes, that makes me look at their outfits and mannerisms a bit different. I mean, come on, Pocahontas or Ariel of the Little Mermaid! And I am definitely not the only one who has envisioned what these beautiful princesses would wear for princes in the boudoir.

These fantastic drawings of just that vision are represented here by an artist from Mexico named Biaani (https://biaani.deviantart.com/). Her concept is exactly what I always think when I watch a Disney movie. With these images, many young ladies give you their take on a sexy Disney Princess look, all while using Biaani’s work to inspire them. Let’s start from where it all began.

Once Upon a Time…

Snow White goes down in history as the first Disney Princess ever! Her voice is lilting and innocent. She created the mold of the Disney Princess standard. So I can see why the artist used a more gothic tone. With evil lurking in every corner in any disguise who wouldn’t have a little touch of darkness show through. With a look like this, she will need to be the one to kiss life back into her Prince.

Cinderella’s image is undeniable and virtually unchangeable. Everyone has even the same color blue in their mind when hearing the name Cinderella. The artist kept to the very classic feel of the legendary princess as well as the featured lingerie. It’s a timeless image loved by all. Prince Charming couldn’t help but be charmed by this.

Aurora was a beauty like no other princess. She had a poise and grace and slept for 100 years without aging lol. In the movie, she wore two very distinct colors: pink and sky blue. Everyone has their favorite color she wore. Flora and Merryweather even fought over it. But here the artist and I have something in common, we both love her in the pink. I absolutely believe she would wear pink when she wants alone time with Prince Phillip.

Ariel is the princess of the ocean and her personality and style flow so freely and can’t be contained. In fact, she was the first Disney Princess to show as much skin as she did which was a direct reflection of her uncontainable spirit. I think the artist captured that perfectly. Prince Eric would never again fall under Ursula’s or anyone else’s spell with such an exquisite lingerie choice.

Belle is a character with as much beauty as brains and makes a beastly prince see the true meaning of goodness with feisty persistence. Such a princess exudes strength no matter what, and the artist pictures this incredibly. Though she had other outfits she wore, her most iconic was her gold ball gown. It captured her essence, and so too does the choice of lingerie pictured here.

Jasmine is one of the sexiest princesses of all time. All of her outfits were so very seductive and exotic, being that she was from Persia. Her personality was as bold and exciting as her style and her undying loyalty makes her that much sexier. Above all, it seems the artist got into my head once again! I can only picture an out of this world belly dancing outfit. It’s the perfect look for all her qualities.

Pocahontas is not only represented as a fearless native princess who fell deeply in love with John Smith in spite of his differences, she is also the first Disney Princess to be based on a true historical figure (though this story is much different in real life). She is the first Disney Princess of the Americas. I thank the artists especially for creating such an astonishing image that represents her natural spirit. You can almost see the colors of the wind blowing through her hair.

Tiana is an inspiration! She is the first African American Disney Princess, she is the first to own her very own business, and was the second Dinsey Princess set in America ( In New Orleans no less!!) She is exciting, She is independent, she is vivacious, and everything about that screams sexy! The artist did a great job creating exactly that. And the young lady who chose the lingerie inspired by Tiana did a phenomenal job embracing the spirit of New Orleans.

Rapunzel is a young woman trapped by an evil witch, but nothing will stop her from breaking free. With her trusty hair and her hunky savior, Flynn Rider, she escapes peril and lives as happily ever after as all the rest of them. I can imagine her looking exactly like the artist has depicted when her and Flynn got their own tower, with a touch of regal purple, soft lavenders, long flowing tresses as golden as the sun.

Merida became an absolute favorite of mine among the Disney Princesses because she saved everyone with her bow and arrow, her witts, and absolutely no Prince Charming needed, ever. In fact, she is the first Disney Princess never to marry. I envision her being as provocative as she wants in her private intimacies with no cares about what anyone thinks. that is why the artist has inspired me. She so effortlessly depicts these traits in her art.

The newest Disney Princess is Anna. She is quirky and daring. She is impetuous and stubborn. She is everything a young girl is. And she has a sister who is as cold as ice but loves her all the same. Anna is soft and kind and finds her charming Kristoff while saving the kingdom and her sister. Her portrait and choice of lingerie is a definite reflection of her adventurous restless spirit and cold surroundings.

Last, but certainly not least, we have Queen Elsa. Yes, the only Disney Princess to become a Queen in her own right and the first to have magical powers. She is also seen as more of a villain in the beginning, which is a first for Disney. She is misunderstood, isolated and temperamental. She is also fiercely loyal and strong-willed and develops the ability to rule an entire kingdom. This artist is truly talented at being able to embrace these very awesome qualities in a stunning, and especially sexy way.
And they all lived happily ever after!

These princesses have inspired so many girls and women alike and are held in their hearts forever. Even as we see them through a more provocative light then we are used to it does not sour them for us. It endears them to us and makes them grow with us. It helps us to choose what we would like to wear for our Prince Charming. I thank Biaani for sharing the same vision as many of us and inspiring many young ladies to choose these fantastic lingerie inspiration based on her art. It’s truly amazing.

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